This stunning bouquet is one of our newest additions to the heartmade bouquet range and we think its such a statement. It has more variety in stems than most of our others making it very different, and interesting. If you enjoy flower arranging, this is definitely one to have a go at as we've cut and munipulated the stems to get the desired look. We can of course do this for you before sending out to you if you'd prefer them to come pre-arranged and tied. We'd just need to know what vase you were planning on putting them in with rough measurements. We've photographed ours in the Aged stone, but it would look equally stunning in our Darcy or Tabitha.
The Serena Bouquet
1 x Hydrangea
1 x Lila Bud
2 x Marie Rose
1 x Dahlia
2 x Printed Eucalyptus
4 x Dusted Eucalyptus
1 x Stock
1 x Wild Rose Spray
1 x Nicholli Eucalyptus
1 x Cows Parsley
1 x English Rose